Brayden Matthew Lee has arrived!!!

(Chris here)

So, after much to-do, baby Brayden entered the world this afternoon @ 2:34pm. He weighed in at an impressive 8 pounds, 5 ounces – which explains Mom’s oblong shaped, gravity-defying belly!

As you know from previous posts, we had a section scheduled for the 23rd – but turns out Brayden was ready this morning, sending Mom into early labor Some of those contractions were doozies! At least, that’s what the machine said… I’m just a bystander in this whole process.

Brayden is sure a lot quieter than Justin was – he can screech a bit, but nothing like Justin. He’s also been sleeping quite well already – perhaps this bodes well for the year to come????

Mom is recovering well; quite tender from the surgery, and by the time I get back there in the morning likely quite bored as well. We’ll bring her the portable DVD player and spend the day down there – this is a big change to her otherwise structured routine!

All in all, a great day!!!

Crystal, Chris, Justin, and Brayden!